Even before Covid I worked from home. In those days things were more relaxed. There was no work-from-home routine. So sometimes the dishes didn’t get done. Sometimes the dishwasher was full. Sometimes I was just lazy. During that time, in 2018 and 2019, I found myself going to the kitchen to get a drink or snack and then, disposing with a dish and looking down, I would often discover an assemblage that demonstrated everything I love about photography. Form, shape, light, transparency, texture and the odd gasps of color from dishes, utensils and food scraps.
As time went gone by my interest shifted from recognizing the formal shapes and light reflected in stainless steel, to pushing to the edge between breaking up disheveled order and ordinary familiarity while still maintaining a level of flow and coherence.
The objects are photographed pretty much the way I’ve found them, using natural light from the kitchen window. I admit to occasional movement or placement of objects, but it’s almost always with something that is at hand or at least already in the sink.
Over Easy
Death of Marat
Tomato Water
Ma Po Tofu
Can’t Make an Omelet